Breakpoint Training

master shifu


Saumil Shah

October 06 - 07, Melbourne, Australia



ENDS June 30



ENDS August 31



STARTS September 01

Prices are GST inclusive


The Exploit Laboratory's introductory course is an all new beginner to intermediate level class, for those curious to dig deeper into the art and craft of software exploitation. We begin with a quick overview of memory corruption and stack overflows and then move on to browser exploits, heap sprays and vtable overwrites. The latter part of the class covers practical examples on defeating modern day exploit mitigation techniques like DEP and ASLR using Return Oriented Programming (ROP).

In addition to core exploit development, the class also focuses heavily on developing debugging skills, performing root cause analysis and negotiating complex obstacles.

The Exploit Laboratory requires a lot of hands on work. Lab examples used in this class feature popular third party applications and products instead of simulated lab exercises.

All topics are delivered in a down-to-earth, learn-by-example methodology. The same trainers who brought you The Exploit Laboratory for over nine years have been working hard in putting together advanced material based on past feedback.


  • Memory Corruption Bugs - past and present
  • Stack Overflows on Linux and Windows
  • Browser Exploits
  • PDF Exploits
  • Heap Spraying in browsers and PDF readers
  • Abusing Objects in memory - vftable overwrites
  • Exploiting browsers via object corruption
  • Introduction to Return Oriented Programming
  • Defeating DEP using ROP
  • Bypassing ASLR on Windows 7


Day 1

  1. Memory Corruption Bugs - past and present
  2. Stack Overflows on Linux and Windows
  3. Browser Exploits
  4. PDF Exploits
  5. Heap Spraying in browsers and PDF readers
  6. Abusing Objects in memory - vftable overwrites

Day 2

  1. Exploiting browsers via object corruption
  2. Introduction to Return Oriented Programming
  3. Defeating DEP using ROP
  4. Bypassing ASLR on Windows 7